The Story of SCNZ

Structural steel construction in New Zealand has undergone a renaissance over the last three decades, following the fallout from the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) building in the 1980s. However, the strong position of the structural steel sector in 2016 is not a matter of chance but the fruit of a proactive and visionary industry.

SCNZ: The past 10 years

The SCI-NZ was rebranded as SCNZ in 2005 and June 2006 marked the coming of age for SCNZ as the organization was restructured and formally incorporated, achieving financial independence from its parent organisation, HERA. 

SSAS Manager Clark Hyland was appointed to the new position of SCNZ Manager and a new SCNZ Executive elected, made up of representatives of the organisation’s various membership categories.

Despite becoming an incorporated association in its own right, SCNZ has continued to build on the success of the SSAS and the SCI-NZ by adopting an independent funding structure and continuing many of the key market development activities. These include a Technical Help Desk, a free preliminary Design Support Service and technical development activities (design guides, standards development work, and professional development seminars and conferences).

The new organisation had three key objectives, which remain today:

a) To promote awareness of the advantages of steel construction
b) To foster excellence in the delivery of steel construction solutions
c) To encourage training and career development

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